
Help build the future of decision-making

We’re building two open-source platforms in parallel — the Block Protocol and HASH — to help everybody make better decisions.

Here you’ll find information about the technical architecture of the projects, as well as resources to help you build blocks, integrations, apps and simulations.



The Block Protocol is an open standard for creating blocks which work in any application, without either block or app requiring any special knowledge of one another.

Any application can integrate with the protocol’s public registry (Þ Hub), enabling their users to discover and insert blocks at runtime, expanding the utility of applications that support the protocol way beyond their original programming.

Blocks with pre-defined types allow you to create structured data


HASH is our open-source, all-in-one workspace platform built around structured data and interactive blocks.

  • Model your environment with types

  • Seamlessly capture unstructured data and convert it into typed entities

  • Map external data to types and integrate it into your graph

  • Transform data and automate processes through flows

  • Use blocks with data to create apps

  • Use entities in simulations

HASH is a flexible operating system built around your data, always up-to-date, and represented as you understand it.

We’re currently helping onboard organizations interested in adopting HASH.

Use Block Protocol blocks within the editor

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